What is Business Driven Action Learning?

Business Driven Action Learning (BDAL) is a results-focused method and set of principles used by organizations and their teams to address real business and leadership challenges and to explore new opportunities. 

BDAL is a blended, experiential learning approach that simultaniouly addressed strategic and operational issues while at the same time developing the organization's present and emerging leadership talent.

Integrating work and learning, and learning with work provides companies with positive business results, motivates employees by empowering them, and does all of this within the context of the organization, the business team and the individual leader.

Because of the pace of change and the widespread nature of competition in today’s world, there is a need for new approach to business and people development, organizational learning and alignment – and, in these circumstances, BDAL finds creative and fertile ground.

There are also very clear and immediate returns on the investment in BDAL. One can readily see if a team of people has helped a business with a recommended solution or implementation of a solution to a problem or challenge.

BDAL can be used in many different ways and contexts, for:

  • All enterprise sizes: small, medium and global, and in all industries, publicly and privately held including family-run businesses
  • ALL levels in an organization from the Board room to the factory floor to the sales force
  • Involving representative stakeholders such as NGO’s, business and government: and together with suppliers and customers, and other shareholders in the private sector
  • Developing global executives in an accelerated way in all alreas of public life: public service; military and education
  • Stimualting key talent with structured opportunities to network with leaders from other parts of the (global) organization, thereby facilitating greater teamwork, collaboration, knowledge sharing and globalization
  • Providing a framework and best practice methodology for “leaders teaching leaders”
  • Encouraging the practice of asking “learner questions”, stakeholder mapping and capturing “outside-in” perspectives
  • Fostering greater alignment within and across business units, functions and the organization’s geographic footprint
  • Accelerating the development of future global leaders and ensure a robust cadre for succession
  • Facilitating the development and practice of core competencies, values and critical behaviors
  • Introducing Results/Business Driven Action Learning concepts and tools into the organization and thus
  • Embedding a sustainable culture of learning, collaboration, diversity and cross-organizational innovation.

Testimonials - What is BDAL

"Their approach is total learning solutions--they take into account the capability of the individual to learn through BDAL and to impact their organization and the environment in which they operate."

CPG Industry (HR)

"GEL understands the strategic direction of parent companies." Logistics Industry"


"For very good reasons, large business corporations have adapted some of the main principles in action learning--the very notion of learning in action is appealing to a sector with a high emphasis on productivity and output. And, in recent years, the need for innovative business approaches has further focused attention on what action learning can offer, such as the concept of Business Driven Action Learning, inspired by Yury Boshyk's work. This has become a well-known and highly appreciated approach."

Geert R. Egger (Consultant, formerly with NovoNordisk)
in the article, "Making Space for Reflection in Action Learning", in Robert L. Dilworth, and Yury Boshyk, eds., Action Learning and Its Applications. Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave, 2010, p. 233.

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